Gifting the Flame of Love
Original text of this song

Only Love
Is always lit in your Soul,
With the Light of wondrous Beauty
It leafs through your years!
You be present in It!
So that would never disappear
The Water of Life for the Soul!

After all, Love
Helps us to live through Life
Without sadness and hatred,
Without fear, malice and lies!
And you also know,
That your Path leads only to It
Above the stars and the mountain tops!

For Love
Do not even be afraid to give up your Life,
Because the Destiny will be able to reward
For it many times!
So you could
Give to others more Light,
Multiply the Grace of Love!

Who as a gift of the Spirit
Preserved Love inside,
Such is not afraid of darkness,
After all, he himself was able to become the Light!
So you could live your Life
Without enmity,
Let the Flow of Heart aspire to Love!

Drink Love!
So you could give It to others –
Who has forgotten It and the ones
Who were not loved by you!
Let without words
Your Love fly to the Hearts,
So it would Shine in others again and again!

Let Love
Always be lit in your Soul,
With the Light of wondrous Beauty
It leafs through your years!
You be present in It!
So that would never disappear
The Water of Life for the Soul!
