How many times in my Life have I gone through betrayal?
Let someone ask me!
How many times has the evil deception enticed me into its captivity,
Freezing my Dreams?
Only now do I understand, that in the terrestrial Life
The only ever devoted to me
Was my Guardian Angel!
Between the earth and the skies,
Throughout all days and nights,
You are always beside me –
My blameless Guardian!
In the depths of my Soul,
Somewhere deep inside my Heart,
My sweet Angel, only You
Help me make my Dreams come true!
Dear Friend, only you are always devoted to me!
And summing up my life
I am grateful that you
Multiplied all my years by Love
So now loving all by Heart
Not grieving about the past,
I choose You!
When my Journey comes to an end,
I will indeed desire,
To aspire heavenward after You,
Where the sky is sparkling with stars!
Where all of my Dreams
Lighten like the sun!
Where in the radiance of Beauty
All of our Souls are so loving and pure!
My dear Angel, I beseech you to help me
To fly into the vastness of Soul,
When my heart can no longer
Argue with Destiny!
When I, losing myself in vanity,
Blaming the world for its brutality,
Appeal to You in the midst of the night!
Take me with you!
I want to go! I know for sure:
Another world is waiting for us somewhere!
Without hatred and darkness of midnight,
Where everyone is so pristine,
Where the sun is always shining,
So that You and me may
Embody all of our brightest Dreams!
Between the earth and the skies,
Throughout all of the days and nights,
You are always beside me –
My blameless Guardian!
In the depths of my Soul,
Somewhere deep inside my Heart,
My sweet Angel, only You
Help me make my Dreams come true!
When my Journey comes to an end,
I will indeed desire,
To aspire heavenward after You,
Where the sky is sparkling with stars!
Where all of my Dreams
Lighten like the sun!
Where, in the radiance of Beauty,
All of our Souls are so loving and pure!
Call me along! Call me along!