
The straight Path to the Heart is often
The one we most deny
When the decision time suddenly comes.
Unfortunately, quite often
The Heart’s reasoning is vain
When the seduced mind is sweetly lying…

May our Loved ones forgive us,
If we foolishly,
Being guided by these lies,
Hide our feelings.
Believe us, our Beloved:
If we are gloomy,
Then, just like of the air we breathe,
We are deprived of Love!

If you are open in Love,
Then neither quarrels nor grudges
Will break your Happiness and Peace!
And for each moment
To grant you satisfaction,
Learn to generously sacrifice yourself.

So that our Loved ones,
Be it night, or morning,
Would be Happy with us,
And their Hearts – light.
For our Loved ones
Not to be gloomy,
Lavish flowers on them
And write them poems!

Cherish the ones close to you,
Warm them with a tender sight,
Not spearing the sweetest words.
Grant people Happiness
And then, in any misfortunes,
Neither Joy nor Love shall desert you!

Be generously Loved,
Forever Cherished,
Be Happy as well,
On the spiritual Journey.
Let the dearest await you on the Path,
The unique ones,
Your ever Loved ones,
To walk alongside you!

Let the dearest await you on the Path,
The unique ones,
Your ever Loved ones,
To walk alongside you!
