Ascending to Love
Original text of this song

Those whose Soul is not sleeping,
Those cherishing Love in their Hearts,
And those who restlessly create
Their Lives with nothing but Kindness,
Are not afraid of darkness,
As their Path lies straight,
Straight towards the people's Souls,
To illuminate them with Lights through the darkness!

Let them shine where the Souls are sleeping,
Where the haze of darkness is weaving its lies.
The fog will be cleared away by the Light of Soul,
And in the radiance of Day Earth will flourish!

Those living with Love
Are grateful to their Destiny for everything,
While understanding that Life
Is a generous gift of Heavens!
Even if the whole Life
Has no gleam of hope and is more bitter than wormwood,
Know that we are granted with Love
To overcome any challenges!

Do not live a single day cursing your life, –
With things you have learned, you have become wiser!
If you have cognized, that you are not living in vain,
You will easily understand where YOUR path is!

The memory of Heart holds the answers,
What are we living on Earth for:
To soften the granite of Life
With Love throughout each day!
The memory of Heart holds
Everything we have been creating through centuries
For the common Love
That we nourish with our Hearts!

Rivers and fields cherish that Love,
Even the ocean is overwhelmed with It!
We are given a new Day so that Earth,
Burning with Light of our Souls,
Would ascend to the Lands of Love!
