I dream more often about Ayfaar:
Like the sound of a distant flute,
Like the radiance of quite summer lightning,
Which invitingly rose in the distance.
I run to it, to become one
With its blue sky bed,
And to forever dissolve with my Soul
In the playful breeze! ..
I know for sure: the summer will come,
And out of the railway carriage I will wave my hand
At the blue haze.
"Good-bye, folks! I’m going
To where is more pleasant and dear to the Heart!"
Feeling myself as a free bird,
The one that escaped from the small cage,
I will interrupt the string of sleepy days,
And will go with the Soul feeling light
Again there, where a tear will sparkle
On the wide open eyelashes,
When through the shaggy branches
Ayfaar will smile to me in the distance!
I know for sure: the summer will come,
And out of the railway carriage I will wave my hand
At the blue haze.
"Good-bye, folks! I’m going
To where is more pleasant and dear to the Heart!"
Once again, I am with you, my dear,
Once again I’m bowing low to everyone!
I will hug your dear shoulders
And the fragrant smoke from the fire!
And will inbreathe other feelings,
Snuggling close-close to the ground,
So that thick grass would bloom in me,
And free winds would sing!
I know for sure: the summer will come,
And out of the railway carriage I will wave my hand
At the blue haze.
"Good-bye, folks! I’m going
To where is more pleasant and dear to the Heart!"
And after saturating with the spaciousness
And getting drunk from the crazy happiness,
I will return again to the bustling city,
Absorbing the petrol fumes,
In the whirl of human corridors
I will again cherish the hope,
That one day, perhaps soon,
I will again become one with dear Ayfaar!
I know for sure: the summer will come,
And out of the railway carriage I will wave my hand
At the blue haze.
"Good-bye, folks! I’m going
To where is more pleasant and dear to the Heart!"
I dream more often about Ayfaar:
Or with the gurgling of spring drops,
Or with the fire that smokes provocatively,
Disappearing in the night breeze …
Again, I will strive with all Heart
To that cherished, that only Goal:
To once dissolve with the Soul
In the Lightful Ayfaar River!
I know for sure: the summer will come,
And out of the railway carriage I will wave my hand
At the blue haze.
"Good-bye, folks! All of this
Is more pleasant and dear to my Heart!"
"Good-bye, folks! All of this
Is more pleasant and dear to my Heart!"