Not Loosing Hope
Original text of this song

You do not lose Hope,
Not every day, non every minute,
But wait for passing winds
And catch up with the Hope!
You do not lose Hope,
Even if you were deceived,
Even if bullets hiss,
You Live, don’t die!

Accept all as is,
Don’t judge anyone,
But believe firmly in Love
And do not lose Hope!
Help all who are in trouble,
If necessary – even at night,
Even if all the World – is in tatters,
You do not lose Hope!

You do not betray Love!
And the deception of perverse passions,
That attract in midnight darkness,
Do not take for Love!
You do not betray Love!
And blindly wandering in the darkness,
You follow the thrill of Heart, –
Only to it you trust!

Pain will pass, so you know –
After April will be May…
Only Love is Single timeless –
You do not betray It!
You be present in Love,
And exactly repeat to it in Everything,
Forgetting about many other things,
You do not lose It!

Pain will pass, so you know –
After April will be May…
Only Love is Single timeless –
You do not betray It!
You be present in Love,
And exactly repeat to it in Everything,
Forgetting about many other things,
You do not lose It!

Do not lose your Love!
