Covering With Tenderness
Original text of this song

I shall cover this World with Tenderness,
So that it shines in the dark,
So that with joyful Fate
People's Lives may be filled!
So that with joyful Fate
People's Lives may be filled!

Let the eternal Truths
Become closer to people,
So that by the deeds of the Heart,
All enemies may reconcile!
So that by the deeds of the Heart,
All enemies may reconcile!

Even with small little ray of Light,
Bring Kindness into our World,
Giving everything dear to your Heart,
Generously to everyone around you!
Giving everything dear to your Heart,
Generously to everyone around you!

May it only bring happiness,
The Beauty of your every creation in Life,
So that over the boundless Earth,
You would soar in Spirit more often!
So that over the boundless Earth,
You would soar in Spirit more often!

I shall cover this World with Tenderness,
So that it shines in the dark,
So that with joyful Fate
People's Lives may be filled!
So that with joyful Fate
People's Lives may be filled!
So that with joyful Fate
People's Lives may be filled!
